Pastor Appreciation Flipped!

1Cor 1:4 I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, 

What if the level of pastor appreciation you experience disappoints your heart? Few would admit they wish they could improve pastor appreciation. Most recognize the selfishness of that kind of thinking. Still, how do we keep from getting stuck on the dark side of pastor appreciation month?

I want to offer something for you to consider. This can’t be a gimmick. It can’t be fake. However, if you embrace this one thing in a genuine way, it will deepen pastor appreciation in your church culture.

Ready for it? don’t believe me? Here it is:

Deepen YOUR appreciation FOR your church!

That’s right. Instead of getting stuck worrying about whether you are appreciated. Focus on whether you are appreciating. Today, I invite you to flip the script on pastor appreciation. You can’t and shouldn’t control how others express appreciation to you. You can’t control whether they do or don’t. You, however, are completely in control of your appreciation of them.

God’s word calls us to rejoice always, and to give thanks in every circumstance. 1John 4:19 notes that we love because God first loved us. Satan traps us into worrying about what others think of us and how they relate to us. Jesus’ love sets us free to focus on sharing His love with them instead. Think about it.

Instead of getting stuck worrying about whether you are appreciated. Focus on whether you are appreciating.

Choosing grateful appreciation is good for our own hearts. It cultivates our heart to produce more spiritual fruit. It keeps us from slipping into self-centered grumblings. It reminds us of all the good work God is doing no matter the challenges and disappointments life brings.

A habit of appreciation is also good for our spiritual family. Every time you express it, good seed is planted in someone’s hearts. Though it may take longer in some than others, those seeds will take root and spread through your spiritual family. Whether you serve in barren ground, thin grass or a healthy lawn, constant seeding and overseeding will bless the whole church over time.

I don’t remember when it happened for me, but somewhere along the line I determined to intentionally look for people to thank. Every gathering I sought to express gratitude from the platform but also personally.

  • Thank you for serving today. You make a difference.
  • Thank you for being part of our church family. You add something special.
  • Thank you for coming to this. Your presence is a blessing.
  • Thank you for your generosity. God is using it for to advance his Kingdom.

Make it intentional. Make it public & personal. Make it real. Make it frequent.

Begin a habit of expression for them! Deepen the habit to a lifestyle. It will protect your heart and impact your church.

What do you think? What would it look like for you to flip the script and instead of wondering and waiting for appreciation to flow your way you began to pour the appreciation on your church family instead?

I hope you have experienced meaningful appreciation from your church family so far this month. If not, I hope the presence of Jesus Himself so fills your heart that His joy overshadows that disappointment and deepens your appreciation of them. You matter deeply to Jesus! You matter to me!

Col. 1:3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,

Published by

john shields

John currently serves as the Leadership Health Director for the Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists. He came to this role in 2021 after serving as lead pastor of Parkview church for 25 years. That season included walking through many joys, challenges & transitions. He learned and led through shifts in worship, staffing, structure, strategies and COVID with an overriding emphasis on making disciples and biblical church health. He is marked by a deep love for God’s Word. John has been involved in pastor cluster groups for many years and served KNCSB in a variety of volunteer roles including president of the convention. He has a passion for pastors and their families to thrive in their calling and relationships through a deepening relationship with Jesus & each other. He and Julie love connecting with and encouraging other ministry families.

2 thoughts on “Pastor Appreciation Flipped!”

  1. Thank you! Thank you for your ( you, Julie and the whole family) many years of service to our community. You guys touched many lives in a positive way.


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